babies/toddlers/Twos | preschool | elementary k-3rd | preteen 4th-5th
Kids at First partners with parents so kids will know Jesus and find their part in God’s Big Story!
Most parents want their kids to grow up making wiser choices, building stronger relationships, and developing a deeper faith. We believe that two combined influences in a child’s life make a greater impact than just two individual influences.
As your partner, Kids at First can help you guide your kids to trust Jesus in a way that changes how they see God, themselves, and the rest of the world.
Sundays at 10 am - family worship and kids’ small groups
All families begin in the FCC Worship Center for our intergenerational experience with songs and communion. As a church family, we’re really excited for this intentional time to celebrate and discover God’s love together. Plan to join us a little early each Sunday to check your kids in as you arrive in the lobby and register if it’s your first time with us.
After communion (approximately 10:20), kids will move to their age group spaces with their Small Group Leaders. Parents are welcome to walk their kids over and help them get settled as needed.
The small group your child is in will be determined by their grade for the 2024-25 school year or their age at the start of the school year on 9/1/2024.
Faith milestones
We believe that every kid and teenager can fulfill God’s plan for their life. There are certain phases or moments in time that lend themselves to specific faith learning that parents can leverage.
Special Events and Parties
Families at First throws parties of different kinds throughout the year… some planned and some pop-ups, some for one specific age group, some for all ages. Let’s just say we enjoy fun and community at FCC! We hope you join us and find a place to belong!
Keeping Your Kids Safe
Safety and security is a high priority for us in Kids at First. All of our volunteers who serve with minors have been background and fingerprint checked. You will know who they are by their FCC lanyard name tags. If an emergency should occur, FCC staff and key leaders are First Aid/CPR/AED certified.
Our check-in system prints a parent's/guardian's name and cell number on their kid's name tag so we can contact you immediately if necessary. Our Babies to Twos room uses a two-part tag system -- parents/guardians are required to return their part of the tag in order to pick up a child. Kids are always kept in their age group environments until parents pick them up at the end of the service.
At-home REsources
For family fun and faith activities at home that connect with what your kids are discovering on Sunday mornings, just visit the Parent Cue site to get started.
You’ll find fun, monthly themed activities to explore throughout the month based on the theme, as well as age-specific devotionals.
Be sure to sign up for the free Parent Cue App for iPhone, iPad and Android! You can find weekly videos there to watch at home if you miss a Sunday with us, and so much more!
Sign up with your email address to receive the latest news and updates for Babies through 5th Grade.