If this is your first time attending FCC, or you are fairly new, welcome! We are so glad you have decided to spend part of your day here. We hope you feel welcome and quickly find that you belong. We are a family for families - all of us, whether we are a familiy of one or of many. We are all a family. We welcome to the family at FCC.


We have reserved parking just for you! Look for the Guest Parking in the East Parking Lot—the lot closest to the highway. 

Enter the Worship Center Lobby from the parking lot. A parking lot ambassador may meet you in the parking lot. They’ll be able to give you directions and answer any questions you may have.

What should I expect?

Here's what to expect at one of our Sunday morning worship services:

When the service begins, we usually sing a few songs led by our worship team. Our worship in song is contemporary, upbeat and often energetic. Communion is an important part of our weekly services. We practice open communion, which means that all followers of Jesus Christ are invited to partake regardless of church background. If you are not yet ready to participate in communion, simply pass the tray. Following worship in song and communion, we usually have a few announcements and receive tithes and offerings before the pastor gives the message. After hearing the message, we often sing one more song.

Where do I take my kids? Because of the challenges with COVID-19, we currently do not have our kids environments open. But, your kids are welcome to attend the service in the worship center. They will need to stay with you at all times. Be sure you have reserved a seat for them. Learn more about online options for preschool through 5th grade students at fccnapa.org/kids


Sunday mornings, parents and their students worship together as a family. To encourage family worship, there isn't an age specific gathering for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to participate or serve in Sunday services in the same way an adult would.  For those not comfortable with meeting in person, we have Zoom discussion groups on Sundays. All the details are available at fccnapa.org/students.Middle School has a Wednesday night gathering at playground deck, 6:30-8 pm. High School has a Sunday night gathering in the Courtyard, 6:30-8 pm.More info is available at fccnapa.org/students.

What does FCC napa believe?

At First Christian Church of Napa, we exist to live in God’s grace so everyone can experience God’s love. To learn more about our beliefs and values, visit fccnapa.org/beliefs.